If you have trouble reading the color of the text below, see bottom of page.
This is a complete online book. I intended on publishing it a long ago in book format. Alas it sat on my hardrive for over 3 years.
Luckily for you I finally decided to place it up here on the net in HTML format.
It’s actually more interactive here on the web. I was able to incorporate many HTML tricks to get the book to really take life. If anyone would be interested in publishing this on a CD or in book format contact me through e-mail.. I have removed the bibliography from this web version so that it would be impossible to publish without my consent.
I am looking for someone to be able to create all of the alphabets I have researched into TTF format so that game masters can have ease in using them in their gaming. If you are a person who works with font editors and would like the job, Let me know through e-mail.
Before we go any further, The legalities:
Copyright ©1992 Dino Manzella
PO Box 68882 Schaumburg, Illinois, 60168-0882 U.S.A.
All rights reserved. Copyright in this document is owned by Dino Manzella
Any person is hereby authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document subject to the following conditions:
If you use this document, please be give credits to whom it is due.
Dino Manzella and Afternight Productions are not responsible for accuracy of the information provided in these pages and any errors in these pages or any page that has a link from these pages.
If you create a link to this page
Are you having trouble reading the text above because the color seems to blend with the background too much?.. The reason is because your screen colors are 256 or less.
Change this and you'll have no more trouble reading ANY text on the World Wide Web anymore. This is a MAJOR suggestion if you are one that likes to surf the web.
So, in other words, Get with it! The web has so many more colors to offer you and it will take you a second to do. Windows 95/98 users can *RIGHT* click on their desktop, go to properties, then to settings and finally change the color palette to have OVER 256 colors.. Simple huh?!